Saturday 25 April 2015

Four Races In Eight Days But A Bug Bites

Park Run Newcastle 25 April 2015
So here we are four weeks into the challenge and seven races completed. The latest, today's Park Run on Newcastle's Town Moor, was my fourth in the last eight days. It should have been a routine run out but the stomach bug I have been carrying since the Keswick 10K, on Wednesday, made it anything but routine.
On Wednesday I was aware during the race that I had an ache, but ignored it. In the night I had stomach spasms, but couldn't decide the cause. Muriel asked if I had been taking Ibuprofen and I had to confess that I had taken a few. I have been using them as a crutch (metaphorically) to take the edge off the various injury niggles I am suffering and on reflection the pains were very like those that I suffer if I am ever daft enough to take aspirin, the latter literally burn my stomach. So no more ibrufen, well not for the moment.
At the start of Saturday's Park Run I knew I was well below par and set off at a reasonable pace, clocking seven minute miles. If I had hoped that this would mean that there would be something extra in the tank for the latter part of the race I was mistaken as the pace slipped and I finished in 22.44 mins, averaging 7.19 pace.
Results showed me in 149th position from a field of 601 and second in the V65 category.
Hopefully, I can get rid of this bug and get some serious training in next week before the Ashington Triathlon on 4 May 2015. I certainly need it, for I am way outside my comfort zone in tackling my first tri. Last week when I went to Hexham Wentworth Pool for a practise swim I started to question what on earth I am thinking about; I will probably be the only entrant who will be doing the breast stroke, plus one of the few (only one?) who will not be clipped in for the cycle ride. Did I say that I was outside my comfort zone?
Anyway, what is a challenge if it doesn't challenge you? Roll on Ashington.

Newcastle Town Moor

Image result for Newcastle town moor

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