Tuesday 30 June 2015

Twenty Four Hours To Tynedale

Preparation for the Tynedale 10K
Checking the pace in the Blaydon Race
With just 24 hours to Tynedale ( it just doesn't have the same ring as Tulsa does it?) I have gone into preparation mode. For this is one of my landmark races, not only because it is one of my club's own events, but also because its route goes throgh my own village, Wylam.

To date, in this challenge, the best time I have achieved for a 10K is the 45 mins at Blyth, can I improve on that? Well I will certainly be trying to do so.

Over 25 years ago I joined Tynedale Harriers with certain goals in mind, to go below 40 minutes for 10K races and 65 min for 10 miles.

Within a year I had achieved both goals, the 10K being the Tynedale 10K in 37.30. I can't remember which was my first sub 65 minute 10 mile, possibly Brampton to Carlisle, but just as likely The Tynedale 10 mile.

For a number of years these times were my standard, but now those days have passed and if I can get below 45 mins tomorrow I will be happy.

What can possibly go wrong, apart from the heat, forecast to be 27c , my early , too fast(?) pace, age, a dodgy hamstring, or something else from a long list? Check out what happens in a couple of days on this blog.

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