Wednesday 30 March 2016

A Pictorial Reminder of a Twelve Month Running Challenge

The Inspiration For This Challenge -  Izzi ( Islam Ali) at my shoulder on Hellvelyn     Also pictured l. to r. Marcus Byron,James Dickinson, Mike Broadhurst, Dave Armstrong, Me, Izzi and Peter Scott.
Sprint finish at South Shields Monthly Mile
Running in the dark and the mud at Lambton

Both feet off the ground at Newcastle Parkrun
Faster! The Blaydon Race

In my element at the Grasmere Gallop

The First Race - Hartlepool Marina 5 -  29 March 2015

Father & Son - Club Rivals in the Harrier League Cross Countries

Photobombed at Hartlepool

Race no. 54 The N. Tyneside10K

Racing above Rothbury

Latrig after a tough run to the summit from Keswick
The Sunderland AFC crest

Humbleton Hill Fell Race
Passing through my village, Wylam, in the Tynedale 10K
1st V65 at Wallington Hall
Newcastle Park Run
20 o 'centigrade on 1 Nov. at the Derwentwater 10 mile !
Thank goodness the swim is over , my first and last Triathlon.

Dismounting after the Cycling bit.

Pushing for the line at the Ashington Triathlon
The start at Keswick 10K
Number 1 - 1st V60 at Grasmere.

My Challenge as at 29 March 2016

The End Is In Sight!


March 29th 2015- March 2016

Date Race Event                     Time Overall Finishing

29-Mar 1 Hartlepool Marina 5 mile 36.27 173 3rd V65 516 ran

7-Apr 2 Monthly Mile S Shields 6.27 20 na 79 ran

12-Apr 3 Blyth Valley 10k 45.34 296 3rd  V65 563 ran

18-Apr 4 Park Run Ncle 5K 21.44 147 3rd V65 646 ran

19-Apr 5 Gibside Great Run Local 5K 24.28 8 n/a 51 ran. 

22-Apr 6 Keswick Round the Houses 46.11 88 3rd V60 186 ran

25-Apr 7 Park Run Ncle 5K 22.44 149 2nd V65 601 ran

4-May 8 Ashington Triathlon 88.48 190 4th 1st 5k 

5-May 9 Les Allcorn 10K, Alnwick 45.53 57 2nd V60 125 ran

10-May 10 Great Run Local 5K 25.05 6 n/a 45 ran

13-May 11 Latrigg Short Fell Race 28.5 67 3rd V60 87 ran

24-May 12 Gibside Great Run Local 24.3 10 n/a 50 ran

27-May 13 George Ogle Mem. 6m 43.13 66 1st V60 195 ran

6-Jun 14 Grasmere gallop Trail Race 50.12 25 1st V60 305 ran

9-Jun 15 Blaydon Race 40.13 621 3rd V65 3825 ran

13-Jun 16 Park Run , Ncle 22.2 100 1st V65 511 ran

17-Jun 17 Humbleton Hill Fell Race 47.18 31 2nd V60 59 ran

21-Jun 18 Lambton 10K 47.36 117 2nd V60 715 ran

1-Jul 19 Tynedale 10K 45.1 182 n/a no chip

5-Jul 20 Red Kite Trail Race 73.57 18 n/a 86 ran

15-Jul 21 Kirkley 10K 45.59 58 1st V65 165 ran

25-Jul 22 Park Run Ncle 5K 22.42 101 1st V65 439 ran

29-Jul 23 Wallington 10K 45.59 52 1st V65 158 ran

5-Sep 24 Gloucester Park Run 23.5 28 1st V65 180 ran

19-Sep 25 Ncle Park Run 25.07 218 1st V65 540 ran

27-Sep 26 Prudhoe Miners 10K 49.06 66 1st V 65 140 ran

3-Oct 27 Park Run Gibside 24.36 14 1st V 65 60 ran

4-Oct 28 Gt Run Local Gibside 25.54 7 1st V 65 54 ran

6-Oct 29 Monthly Mile South Shields 6.44 18 na 18/22

10-Oct 30 Sherman Cup 45.31 391 1st V65 464 ran

17-Oct 31 Gibside Trail Race 59.38 212 8th V60 442 ran

24-Oct 32 Park Run Newcastle 22.57 164 1st v60 562 ran

25-Oct 33 Great Run Local 5K 25.56 8 1st V55/65 57 ran

1-Nov 34 Derwentwater 10 mile 79.19 211 5th V65 436 ran

3-Nov 35 Monthly Mile 6.43 18 na 69 ran

3-Nov 36 Park Run Newcastle 24.16 118 1st v65 369 ran

8-Nov 37 Town Moor 10K 46.54 302 3rd V65 549 ran

15-Nov 38 Park Run Newcastle 23.38 123 1st V65 470 ran

21-Nov 39 Aykley HeadsCross country 54.52 459 2nd V65 592 ran

1-Dec 40 Monthly Mile 6.44 12 na 90 ran

6-Dec 41 Park Run Ncle 5K 25.32 192 4th V65 363 ran

19-Dec 42 Saltwell 10K 49.36 190 5th V65 419 ran

20-Dec 43 Gibside 5K 27.03 na na fun run

5-Jan 44 Monthly mile S. Shields 7.19 14 na 47 ran

30-Jan 45 Riverside Parkrun 24.54 104 2nd v65 229 ran

2-Feb 46 Monthly mile 7.02 13 na 47 ran

6-Feb 47 No Ego Head Torch Lambton 45.56 44 1st v60 180 Ran

13-Feb 48 Park Run Finsbury Park 24.27 96 1st V65 261 ran

20-Feb 49 Park Run Newcastle 23.25 115 1st v65 490 ran

2-Mar 50 Monthly Mile South Shields 6.45 7 na 46 ran

12-Mar 51 Riverside Park Run 22.47 65 2nd V65 231 ran

13-Mar 52 Gibside Great Run Local 24.42 6 na 71 ran

26-Mar 53 Park Run Newcastle 22.47 93 3rd V65 457 ran

27-Mar 54 N. Tyne 10K 45.46 331 1st v65 1779 ran

3 Apl 55 Blyth V. 10K        

5 Apl  56 Monthly Mile S Shields        

10 Apl 57 Sandancer 10K        

16/17 Apl 58 Lakes 10K choice of 2        

20 Apl 59 Keswick 10K        

23 Apl 60 Park Run        

26 Apl 61 Spadeadam 10K        

1-May 62 Sunderland 10K        

3-May 63 Les Allcorn 10K, Alnwick        

21-May 64 Park Run        

25-May 65 George Ogle Mem. 6m        

Monday 28 March 2016

And The Winner Is (Unofficially) - ME!

Race No 54 North Tyneside 10K

Here I come

Chis & Alfie - The Best, the very best!
It's an age thing, or that's my excuse, for this image of my lad, Chris, and Grandson, Alfie, brings a tear, of joy, to my eye. Yes, as I approach, yet, another birthday, my 66th, I feel truly blessed.

So, feeling a little emotional, I am blogging the 54th race in my 65 race challenge.  It should have been the sixty fifth race but for my over competitive nature which has cost me ten weeks of absence due to injury.

Two silly moments in the last twelve months has meant that I have failed in my challenge, but failure is not a word I understand , or accept and my challenge continues until I have recorded my 65th race. More on this later.

Those two silly moments?

The first was on 29th July 2015 at the start of the Wallington 10K. I had felt a little soreness in my left Achilles earlier in the day, but after a couple of painkillers and a bit of massage declared myself fit to race. Now, here is the real silliness. The start of the race was a mile uphill from Wallington Hall, "Oh" thought I, "This is going to be a fast downhill start". Away I went with my lad Chris at my side. "This is great" I thought as I hit the front. A glance at my Forerunner told me I was running at 4.31 minute pace and lying in 5th position, "This is wonderful", I thought.  Another glance at the watch - 4.22 minute pace, " Wow!".By the bottom of the hill and heading for the mile marker I was well under six minutes, but my achilles was sore.

At this point I should have stopped , but didn't and boy did I suffer as Chris, who was too intelligent to pace me, and most of the field passed me. That silly moment cost me all of August, the World Masters Mountain Race and six weeks of running.

The second silly moment? This was the Monthly Mile at South Shields for the Santa Run at the beginning of December. Looking at the field , most of whom were in Santa costume , I got it into my head that I could win the race. Away I sprinted at the start and got clear of the field. Half way round the mile circuit my dodgy right calf gave up the ghost and I had to slow. Two youngsters passed me on the way to the finish to leave me in third place and out for another month, damn!

Back to something like fitness , I was too late to get an entry into the North Tyneside 10k, but at the last moment, through the kindness of Mike McNally and David Aneurin Shearan of Jarrow & Hebburn, got a number, unofficially. Chris had his own entry and on a fine , but windy morning we arrived at North Shields to compete in a field of two thousand runners.

I would recommend this race to anyone. The course takes you from North Shields , down onto the historic Fish Quay, and along the sea wall to Tynemouth. At this point you face a climb up to Tynemouth Priory, before a nice flat race along the seafront to St Mary's Lighthouse. A wonderful route.

Being sensible, for a change, I started at a reasonable 7 minute mile pace. We, quickly, were down onto the Fish Quay and maintained this pace, running together for the first couple of miles. Climbing up from the sea, Chris got ahead and stayed there until the three mile marker. At this point, going through Cullercoats, I saw that he was dropping back to me. Upping my pace, I caught him up and we ran together for a short time before he surged ahead.

Was my fast Parkrun yesterday, starting to cost me? "No", I decided and picked up the pace to keep Chris in sight to the finish. At the end, Chris finished in 44.28 (270th), I recorded 45.46 (331st).

Looking at the results today, my category was won by Stewart Boocock in 46.33. If a win (unofficial) isn't a good way to finish my 65th, or actually, 66th year I do not know what is !

I feel good, oh so good!!! Now watch my further progess towards my official birthday, if the Queen can have one, then so can I! When will this be? I am working on that.

St Mary's Island

Tynemouth Sands

Sunday 27 March 2016

Race No. 53 Town Moor Parkrun

Both feet off the ground, but it hurts!

Is Brian Stonehouse making it look easy?                                                        
It was back to Newcastle Town Moor and the Parkrun for number 53 in this challenge with my pal, Brian Stonehouse, for company and support.

As is often the case, let's get any excuses in before we set off. Well, it was windy and that's probably it. The reality was, that there was quite a breeze in your face for about 3K of the 5K course and I couldn't find anyone to shelter behind.

I had set off not knowing whether I had been successful in finding a place in the North Tyneside 10K due to take place the following day, Easter Sunday, so, as usual I went for it!

Oh, why do I have to be so competitive?

Anyway, apart from the usual niggles which come with age, injury, the tough seven miler I had done two days before, etc; etc: I was up for a decent run and time. In the event, I found it tough just to keep my pace between 7 .00 and  7.30 minute miling, but pushed on, aware that Brian was just behind me. As you can see from the image above , I knew that only a sprint finish would get me below a 23 minute finish and that is what I did, but should racing be so hard?

At the end I finished in 22.47 for 93rd place. Brian was just behind in 23.30 for 119th. I think the moral victory was his, for he looks a lot more comfortable with the pace than me.

Now, did I get that entry into tomorrow's North Tyneside 10K? Look out for the next installment, due soon.

Monday 14 March 2016

Race No. 52 - Great Run Local - Gibside

Gibside Liberty Column

The finish at Gibside.   
The scenery at Gibside Chapel is so attractive that you can forgive the 312 feet of climbing involved in running the 5K Great Run Local which is based there.

When I first ran in this free, weekly 5K  event (there is also a 2K course) I asked a fellow runner how tough the course was, as I had experienced the Fruit Bowl Race which was also held here and knew it was tough. The reponse was that you should add at least two minutes to your normal 5K time. This may actually be understating the margin to allow, but its near enough.

Well, yesterday, for my second race of the weekend, I set out to prove, or disprove this theory.

It didn't help my pre-race preparation when I set off without my wrist band (also free) and had to retrace my steps if I was to have my efforts recorded on the timing chip it contained. Arriving with just a few minutes in hand I did I quick warm up, including my zig zag efforts - try this, it quickly raises your cardio rate. Then up to the line.

Away the field of 71 went, the fast boys quickly getting ahead of me. As they passed, I worked out that I was in sixth place. Then a young girl caught me as we started the first climb, thanking me for pulling her along - a nice touch. Another guy passed, pushing me into eigth position - have I mentioned that  was competitive?

Then we hit the main drag. First, I overtook the guy, then the young lady dropped to walking pace and I passed her with a word of encouragement. Now to keep it going all the way to the top and the  turn for home. 

From this point it is all downhill and whilst I may have lost my climbing ability, boy can I run downhill! Away I went down that hill and as I passed the building shown above it was just a case of sprinting though the line.

At the finish my time was 24.42, yes, two minutes slower than yesterday's Riverside Park Run. Theory proved!


Finishing position 6th. 71 ran.
Time 24.42.

Sunday 13 March 2016

Race No. 51 - Riverside Park Run - 12 March 2016

Shouldn't have had that last glass of wine

Should I get my excuses in straight away? Well, why not?

Maybe an early morning race after a flight back from Tenerife the night before, was never going to be the best time to get a pb. Or was it that extra glass, or two of wine on our last night in Tenerife? Whatever the reason for my failure to record a sub 22 minute finish at the Riverside Park Run yesterday,  it wasn't lack of effort ( see image above).

Going back in time to 4th March it had looked so promising. We had arrived at our hotel in the south of Tenerife in good time for some afternoon sun. A couple of hours sunbathing was more than enough for me and it was time to put the trainers on and head out. Oh, I love running in the sun and followed the coast for over four miles. This pattern of having a late afternoon run was repeated the following day and I started to think that I could make it a daily event. On the third day my calf was sore and I declared a day off running and started massaging the calf.

Now, I am an expert on massaging sore or injured calves and realised that it was the former, ie; sore, rather than the latter; a pull, or tear. So it was that my intensive friction massage worked and I was able to get in another two runs before I got a real fright - was my b......y achilles sore? After losing two months from this challenge through an achilles injury, I was taking no chances and settled for those four sunshine runs. Goodness, I am starting to sound almost sensible about running and injury!

Come Saturday 12 March and I felt good when lining up at Chester le Street. After some congestion at the start, I started to get into pace and finished the first, of three laps, in just under seven minutes. Then I had to dig in as my pace dropped and whilst feeling comfortable I just could not get back down to seven minute pace. The second lap was 7.21, now for the final push - that's me about half a mile from the finish (above), to record 7.19.

No, sorry something wrong here, that would be 21.37. Ah, I see, those are mile times, meaning I did 21.37 for three miles, but of course this is a 5K race, actually 3.1miles at Chester le Street. That extra 0.1 mile took over one minute, hence 22.42. So no sub 22 minutes, but we have returned to spring sunshine and who knows we may be due a good summer and lots of running in the sun, lets hope so.

Wednesday 2 March 2016

A Milestone Race Number 50 - Monthly Mile South Shields

Going for it at the finish.

My Best View - At The Start With Louise Griffin

I had hoped to make Race no. 50 a milestone  race in my challenge, something long, maybe a 10 miler, or perhaps a tough Fell Race, but in the event I simply needed to get another race done and so it was a return to South Shields for the March Monthly Mile.

It was yet another cold and windy night on the coast as we assembled at the start. I was still struggling for pace and form after injury, but hoping to at least get under the seven minute barrier which i had hit in the last two outings. It seems strange to say, but I am hoping that by the time I get to my sixty sixth birthday ( coming soon), that I will be improving on my times. Yes, I am ever the optimist - watch this space!

In the event, it was hard work to get into a decent pace and I really had work at the end to finish in a reasonable time. Yet, looking at my Garmin Express record of the run maybe, just maybe I set off too quickly ( the low background rumble you can hear is the laughter of my pals who know that this is how I have ran for the last thirty years!). Yes, I set off at 4.37 pace, increasing to 4.28 , that is minutes per mile. Unsurprisingly I also recorded 7.30 pace as I struggled, before getting back under 6 minute pace by the end.  My average pace was actually 6.42 as I finished in seventh place for 6 minutes 45 seconds.

Fellow Tynedale Harrier and Marathon Runner, Louise Griffin was just behind in 7.22 for 14th position from a field of 46.

Now for something longer for race no. 51.