Monday 14 March 2016

Race No. 52 - Great Run Local - Gibside

Gibside Liberty Column

The finish at Gibside.   
The scenery at Gibside Chapel is so attractive that you can forgive the 312 feet of climbing involved in running the 5K Great Run Local which is based there.

When I first ran in this free, weekly 5K  event (there is also a 2K course) I asked a fellow runner how tough the course was, as I had experienced the Fruit Bowl Race which was also held here and knew it was tough. The reponse was that you should add at least two minutes to your normal 5K time. This may actually be understating the margin to allow, but its near enough.

Well, yesterday, for my second race of the weekend, I set out to prove, or disprove this theory.

It didn't help my pre-race preparation when I set off without my wrist band (also free) and had to retrace my steps if I was to have my efforts recorded on the timing chip it contained. Arriving with just a few minutes in hand I did I quick warm up, including my zig zag efforts - try this, it quickly raises your cardio rate. Then up to the line.

Away the field of 71 went, the fast boys quickly getting ahead of me. As they passed, I worked out that I was in sixth place. Then a young girl caught me as we started the first climb, thanking me for pulling her along - a nice touch. Another guy passed, pushing me into eigth position - have I mentioned that  was competitive?

Then we hit the main drag. First, I overtook the guy, then the young lady dropped to walking pace and I passed her with a word of encouragement. Now to keep it going all the way to the top and the  turn for home. 

From this point it is all downhill and whilst I may have lost my climbing ability, boy can I run downhill! Away I went down that hill and as I passed the building shown above it was just a case of sprinting though the line.

At the finish my time was 24.42, yes, two minutes slower than yesterday's Riverside Park Run. Theory proved!


Finishing position 6th. 71 ran.
Time 24.42.

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