Monday 28 September 2015

Prudhoe Miners 10K

Race no. 26 and I got round

Eight weeks into an achilles injury and it was time to see if I could get get round a 10K race.

Maybe it would have been better to look for a flatter race, but I had pre entered my local Prudhoe Miners' 10K and it was time to give it a go.

It was uphill from the start, but as I had got around a flat 5K Park Run the previous weekend without too much pain, I thought that I would raise my pace, a little. A mile, or so into the race it was time to face the steep, steep climb through Bewick Grange. Oh, it was tough , but at least I ran the hill. Then, finally I could put the pedal down and raise the pace to the heady heights of 7 minute miling - was it only a couple of months ago when this was my average pace?

Back through Prudhoe Town centre, past Waterworld and a pleasant "no thank you " to the offer of water at the water station, ( "I  am a racing machine, not a jogger" , I tried to kid myself.). Down to the Countryside Park and could I lift the pace? Yes, but not by much. At the 8K mark a pain in my right ankle/ achilles started to over shadow the pain from my recovering left achilles - it never rains, but it pours! Through the line in 49.06, a new Personal Worst for a 10K to match last week's PW for a 5K. Never mind, I got round and hopefully, after icing both ankles I will be able to continue the Challenge - only another 39 races in the next six months!

Finished in 49.06 for 66th position out of 140 finishers.
1st V65.
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I was happier last time out on this course -Tynedale 10K July 2015

Saturday 19 September 2015

The Challenge Continues - Hopefully

Newcastle Park Run 19 Sept. 2015
Neil Cassidy at the World Masters, North Wales

St Mawes, Cornwall             
Well, I am running again, or at least trying to get back into running and my 65 race challenge.

Two weeks ago I took time out from the long, long journey to a holiday in Cornwall to run in the Gloucester Park Run. That was probably a mistake, or maybe I was just trying to run too fast (?) too soon. Today I was determined not to make the same mistake and started the Town Moor race well down the field and at a slower pace. Did the strategy work? I hope so, at least I am not limping as I was at Gloucester.

What was very apparent, was that I am not as fit as I was before this achilles injury. Yes, I was trying to keep the pace down, but as my confidence in my recovery increased and I picked up the pace late in the run, I was having to work.

If and it is a big if, I am recovering from this achilles tendon strain, then I really should have done some exercise during the seven week recovery process. Instead, I ate and drank the same amount and would describe myself today as cuddly.

Getting back to the run, I finished in 218th place from a field of 540 in a new PW ( Personal Worst) of 25.07. Infact I was so far down the field that I didn't even see fellow Tynedale Harriers:
Martin Bluck  35th in 19.29
Gary Fenwick 64th in 21.03
Kim Bluck 140th in 23.00
Elena Bluck 177th in 24.08
Bryn Mordey 198th in 24.37.
Well done to them all particularly the Bluck family for showing what all families should do early on a Saturday morning, yes, RUN!

For me its lots, lots more Eccentric Heel Drops, 2 x 15 straight leg,  2x 15 bent leg, three times a day and with a modicum of luck I will be lining up at Prudhoe next Sunday for Race no. 26, The Prudhoe Miners' Run.

Sunday 13 September 2015

Another Comeback Attempt 5 September 2015

Gloucester Park Run
Helford Passage, Cornwall

Morgan Donelly at the start

...and winning

St Mawes, Cornwall         
After five weeks of treatment on my injured achilles it was time to try it out again, this time enroute to a holiday in Cornwall.

The Gloucester Park Run seemed like a convenient location on the long journey to Cornwall as we were booked into the Holiday Inn Express, Gloucester. In the event the venue was two minutes away from the hotel, ideal!

A warm up revealed no problem with the achilles, so I lined up about a third of the way down the field of approx 200 runners and off we went.

Damn, as soon as I put the slightest pressure on the injury it hurt! A glance at the watch showed a 7 minute pace, ease up. 7.30 , then 8 minute pace and just a nagging pain. two miles down and another silver fox caught me up.

" What age group?" said I.
" I am 59" He replied.
" I'll jog round with you" said I.
I chatted to him as we jogged along.
" You're not even panting" He reproached me.
What could I say without causing offence, as I was just jogging?
" Well," I replied " I will not be sprinting to the line"

We crossed the line in 23.50 and I limped away from the finish to enjoy a second breakfast at the hotel - don't tell anyone.

A lovely week in the sunshine at St Mawes was thoroughly enjoyable, but I had to accept that my chance of running the World Masters Mountain Running Championships at Betws y Coed had gone.

As we were booked into accomodation in Betws y Coed and were due to meet up there with my nephew Adrian Leonard, Gail his wife and their family, at least we could still enjoy the visit. In fact it was a smashing day, watching former Tynedale Harrier, Morgan Donelly, win his race, followed by a good performance from a large group of current Tynedale Harriers, both lads and ladies. Best of all was seeing my grand nephews, Ewan and Harrison and lovely little Evie. These three were bundles of energy, Ewan at six is already training as a triathlete, yes, really. Watch out for these names in the future.

For me it's back to the drawing board  ( or the physio's couch), watch this space.
Three Welsh athletes of the future

Tuesday 1 September 2015

The Long, Long Road Back From An Achilles Injury.

A Third Attempt At A Comeback

My Last (hopefully not my final) Race

Chris about to start the Tynedale 10 Mile on Sunday

Tadele Muklugeta, Elswick, starts the Tynedale as he finished it, at the front.

So here I am five weeks after my last race and still having problems with my achilles.
On Sunday I should have ran in my Club's Tynedale 10 Mile, but after two abortive attempts to come back to running I had to accept that it was still too early in the recovery.
Later today I am going to try a jog and am hopeful following some intensive self treatment using 'Eccentric Heel Drops' as well as hot and cold packs on the injury.
If I can just run without pain today, I may, just may, be able to run in the World Masters Mountain Championships a week Saturday.
Here's hoping.