Monday 28 September 2015

Prudhoe Miners 10K

Race no. 26 and I got round

Eight weeks into an achilles injury and it was time to see if I could get get round a 10K race.

Maybe it would have been better to look for a flatter race, but I had pre entered my local Prudhoe Miners' 10K and it was time to give it a go.

It was uphill from the start, but as I had got around a flat 5K Park Run the previous weekend without too much pain, I thought that I would raise my pace, a little. A mile, or so into the race it was time to face the steep, steep climb through Bewick Grange. Oh, it was tough , but at least I ran the hill. Then, finally I could put the pedal down and raise the pace to the heady heights of 7 minute miling - was it only a couple of months ago when this was my average pace?

Back through Prudhoe Town centre, past Waterworld and a pleasant "no thank you " to the offer of water at the water station, ( "I  am a racing machine, not a jogger" , I tried to kid myself.). Down to the Countryside Park and could I lift the pace? Yes, but not by much. At the 8K mark a pain in my right ankle/ achilles started to over shadow the pain from my recovering left achilles - it never rains, but it pours! Through the line in 49.06, a new Personal Worst for a 10K to match last week's PW for a 5K. Never mind, I got round and hopefully, after icing both ankles I will be able to continue the Challenge - only another 39 races in the next six months!

Finished in 49.06 for 66th position out of 140 finishers.
1st V65.
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I was happier last time out on this course -Tynedale 10K July 2015

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