Monday 21 December 2015

Race no. 43 Gibside 5K Santa Dash

Whoops, I did it again.

When I get it wrong, I really get it wrong.

I really should have rested on my laurels this weekend, if you can call running a 10k in 49 minutes worthy of winning any laurels, then I really, really should have rested. Instead I decided to go to Gibside for a Great Run Local 5K. First mistake.

Second mistake, I should have checked that the run was on.

Third mistake, having got there to find that a Santa dash was taking place, I should have gone home. Instead, a marshall pointed to the back of a crowd of santas half a mile away and said go on, catch them up., and I did!

Everything hurt as I set off without warming up. Oh, thought I, this will be no problem as I run through the whole field. Fourth mistake.

 The front of the field was minutes ahead and I had to push on to catch them. Passing the 2k mark, I met the leaders on their way to the finish, they having already ran the uphill stretch to the turn for home. I still had to do so and found it hard.

Round the turn and away downhill, when, b....... and d..., my calf went on me! Now it was a slow and miserable jog back to the finish -see image below. One step forward in my 65 race challenge and two, three and more steps backward.

Merry Christmas all, I can't even think when I can next race, but I can overdo the food and drink bit.

Race 42 Saltwell Harriers 10K

Vests in December!

Yes, I too ran in just shorts and vest on the 19th December for it was a warm day at Saltwell Park, Gateshead for the Saltwell Harriers 10K.

Is it another sign of age when I feel , yet again, the urge to share memories of places revisited? Whatever, for here are a couple:

First, lets go back nearly sixty years to when I really was young and as most other kiddies did,used to attend my church Sunday School. Every year we had a Sunday School Treat ( no, I will not bother to define) and for the year in question a fleet of double deckers was hired to transport us from Bishopwearmouth Church, Sunderland to ( did you guess?) Saltwell Park. Enough on that memory.

Second, I last ran in Saltwell Park some years ago in the days of the Gateshead Lunch Time Handicap Races. The race which actually came to mind as I struggled round this course described as 'undulating' wasn't even at Saltwell Park, but on the original course from Gateshead Stadium which used to drop down to the River Tyne before returning to finish on the running track in the stadium.

On the day I have in mind I was running off a 7.5 minute handicap for the 5K race and started well done the field. Well I was pretty fit then ( in my forties) and enjoying an injury free hiatus to my running career and did I go for it! Tearing off from the start, I was quickly moving through the field and by the time the course had dropped down to the riverside I could see a long line of runners ahead. Now, a magical memory, for I felt that I was flying as I hauled them in, passing each runner as if they were standing still. As I hit the climb to take the field up to the stadium the field had thinned out. At the top of the climb I asked a marshal, "how many ahead?" " Two", he replied. One I caught on the approach to the stadium, the second and last, on the track, to win the event.

And, the point of that tale? Well, simply that running should be enjoyable, infact if you are running well, free of injury and on form you should be able to feel that 'you are flying'. On that memorable day I was, on Saturday I 'got around' and was happy that I was able to. It was hard, I had a painful calf, out of form, etc, etc, but I got around and was more than happy to do so.

At the end there was the relief of  finishing without causing further damage to my calf, immediately followed by the question, could I double up tomorrow morning at Gibside. You will have to read my next blog to answer that question.

Finished 190th out of 415 in 49.36 ( my slowest ever 10K)
5th V65.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Race 41 Newcastle Park Run - Part 2

Keep it slow, don't make your injury worse!   
Yes, I looked pensive last Saturday, actually I was miserable, having realised after just one kilometre that I hadn't thrown off my calf problem.

Early in my 65 race challenge I was running so well that I was able to get lots of extra races in the bag - four races in an eight day period at one time - now the first doubts as to achieving the challenge have crept into my mind. A combination of a bad achilles injury and now my calf problem means that I have lost at least ten weeks from the fifty two available. No wonder I was down on Saturday.

Anyway, I have just had a jog in Horsley Woods and whilst I can still feel a little discomfort from an old calf injury I have, hopefully, thrown off the latest calf problem, so, Saltwell 10K may just be possible at the weekend.

I must, must, warm up gently and forget about finishing time and position- repeat Peter, I must not think about time and finishing position  - Here's hoping!!

Statistics for Race 41 Newcastle Park Run 7 Dec 2015(5K)

Finishing time 25.32
Position 192 (363 ran)
4th V65

Saturday 12 December 2015

Race No. 41 And Still Injured

Newcastle Park Run

Its nearly two weeks since I pulled my calf at South Shields and after lots of treatment it felt ok this morning to try out on Newcastle Town Moor for the Park Run.

Still ok after a warm up, so moving further down the field than I would normally start, away I went. Reasonable pace and everything looking good. First K marker reached and I had already decided to make it a double header this weekend by doing the Great Run Local at Gibside tomorrow morning. When, as if I had pressed a switch, my calf suddenly started to hurt! Dropping my pace from 7.30 minute miling, I jogged on, letting the field go by.

At this pace I wasn't even panting as all these heavy breathers passed me by. Meanwhile my calf really started to ache, but having undone my treatment already, I was a least going to finish this 5K and start recovery all over again.

I may have mentioned in an earlier blog my annoyance when someone sprints past me right on the line. No complaints today, as I was joggng to the line when at least a dozen Park Runners found their sprint pace to pass in the last five yards. Good luck to them!

Now it's ice pack time, again, as I try to recover for next week's Saltwell Park 10 K . It's not looking promising.

Another wet morning on the Moor

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Race No. 40 And The End of Me As A Sprinter

Monthly Mile South Shields

 It was back to South Shields for race no. 40, the December Monthly Mile.

This was a filler as I was away at the weekend and couldn't get a longer race onto the schedule. More's the pity as I have come a cropper, again, with injury.

My intention for this evening race seemed reasonable, to win it! Well, at least to win the 'slow' event, rather than the 'faster' in which I would normally run.

I should have known it wasn't to be my night when I turned up to find everyone in Santa costume, everyone that is but me (and one or two others). Having hidden at the back for the  group photo -thats me at the back towards the left - I had a good warm up to be ready for a fast off. Then away I went, at speed. I soon left the youngsters behind and was clear of the field when I realised that I had pulled my calf. Yes, I should have stopped, but pushed on, albeit at a slower pace. Heading for the line two youngsters passed me, dropping me to third place, so I was now injured for nothing, damn!

Limping away from the finish my only thought was, could I recover from this latest injury for Sunday and the Hexhamshire Hobble? Today, the calf is still sore, but here's hoping.

Finished 3rd in 'slow' event in 6.44.
12th fastest overall from 90 runners.

Spot the one not in costume - me!