Monday 21 December 2015

Race no. 43 Gibside 5K Santa Dash

Whoops, I did it again.

When I get it wrong, I really get it wrong.

I really should have rested on my laurels this weekend, if you can call running a 10k in 49 minutes worthy of winning any laurels, then I really, really should have rested. Instead I decided to go to Gibside for a Great Run Local 5K. First mistake.

Second mistake, I should have checked that the run was on.

Third mistake, having got there to find that a Santa dash was taking place, I should have gone home. Instead, a marshall pointed to the back of a crowd of santas half a mile away and said go on, catch them up., and I did!

Everything hurt as I set off without warming up. Oh, thought I, this will be no problem as I run through the whole field. Fourth mistake.

 The front of the field was minutes ahead and I had to push on to catch them. Passing the 2k mark, I met the leaders on their way to the finish, they having already ran the uphill stretch to the turn for home. I still had to do so and found it hard.

Round the turn and away downhill, when, b....... and d..., my calf went on me! Now it was a slow and miserable jog back to the finish -see image below. One step forward in my 65 race challenge and two, three and more steps backward.

Merry Christmas all, I can't even think when I can next race, but I can overdo the food and drink bit.

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