Saturday 12 December 2015

Race No. 41 And Still Injured

Newcastle Park Run

Its nearly two weeks since I pulled my calf at South Shields and after lots of treatment it felt ok this morning to try out on Newcastle Town Moor for the Park Run.

Still ok after a warm up, so moving further down the field than I would normally start, away I went. Reasonable pace and everything looking good. First K marker reached and I had already decided to make it a double header this weekend by doing the Great Run Local at Gibside tomorrow morning. When, as if I had pressed a switch, my calf suddenly started to hurt! Dropping my pace from 7.30 minute miling, I jogged on, letting the field go by.

At this pace I wasn't even panting as all these heavy breathers passed me by. Meanwhile my calf really started to ache, but having undone my treatment already, I was a least going to finish this 5K and start recovery all over again.

I may have mentioned in an earlier blog my annoyance when someone sprints past me right on the line. No complaints today, as I was joggng to the line when at least a dozen Park Runners found their sprint pace to pass in the last five yards. Good luck to them!

Now it's ice pack time, again, as I try to recover for next week's Saltwell Park 10 K . It's not looking promising.

Another wet morning on the Moor

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