Thursday 28 May 2015

George Ogle 6 Mile Memorial Race 2015

Race Number 13 George Ogle Memorial Race 2015

It was a father and son effort for number 13 in my 65 race challenge as Chris joined me at Swalwell to run this 6 mile race.
I knew George Ogle well, both, as a fellow Tynedale Harrier and also through his timeless, volunteer efforts in North East athletics and dedicate this race to his memory.
This course would be recognised by anyone who has completed the C2C route ending at Tynemouth, for it is based on the Derwent Walk. The route out starts in Swalwell Park before joining the Derwent Walk on its gentle ascent towards Consett. A steep uphill section is then thrown into the mix, before looping back onto the Derwent Walk for a downhill sprint of 2+ miles to the finish.
Chris and I had set off at just under 7 minute mile pace, dropping to 7.05 for the second mile. Two to three miles was a bit of a struggle for me, perhaps I had set off too fast? Recording an over 8 minute mile at this point I could only let Chris get away from me and didn't see him again until the finish.
Chris recordered 41.27 for 49th position, against my 43.11 for 66th. Looking at the results later, I was pleased to see that I was first V60 male in the race, where's my prize? Although I note that Lynne Valentine was first lady V60 in 41.37, well done to her.

Chris has to work to get away from his old dad.

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