Tuesday 5 May 2015

More On Ashington Triathlon

On Love, Life and The Things That Money Can't Buy.

Sophie Graham and Rob Lynch at Chris and Laura's Wedding, Inn on the Lake 18 September 2014.

In yesterday's blog I simply recorded my efforts and thoughts at the Ashington Triathlon, lack of time and space meant that I didn't mention that it was a father and son effort, for my lad, Chris,was also doing Ashington, he for the third time.

The sub title above refers to the most important thing in life, the love one has for one's children. Could I be prouder of my children? Impossible, for as the chorus of the Rob Lynch's (that's him above with daughter, Sophie) song ' Not the end of the world' says:
'Cause there comes a time
that you realise
all the things
that you love in your life
they're the things that money can't buy
and I know
it's not the end of the world
No, no, no,
its not the end of the world'.
See Rob play this live on Youtube - Rob Lynch Hawking (Live at Hamburg Grosse Freiheit 3619/11/13) The German audience joins in to sing this chorus!

Yes, I was so proud to see Chris tackling Ashington in such a competent way, unlike my inept efforts. Chris having learned to do front crawl was 4 minutes ahead of me after the swim. He then gained almost three minutes for his efficient transition, 39 seconds on the bike ride, another 30 seconds for the second transition and two minutes in the run. This is one competitor that I do not mind being ahead of me.
Sophie, whilst not competitive in running, (she probably uses the Graham competive streak for her work at Sony Music), has done several 10K races and might yet do more . As for Rob, he did last year's Great North Run and after this year's London Marathon asked if we could do it together next year. Maybe we can.

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