Monday 19 October 2015

Deja Vu at Gibside Again!

One definition of 'deja vu' is an unpleasantly familiar feeling, well that was certainly the case at yesterday's Gibside Fruit Bowl Trail Race for race number 31 of my challenge.

'Familiar', for I had run two 5k races here on consecutive days, just a fortnight before and 'unpleasant', for I probably shouldn't have been running at all, having woken that morning with a stomach bug.

Without going into detail of the 'bug' it was not very pleasant and took a lot out of me before I had even started this testing course. So it was, that instead of my usual fast away from the gun, I set off steady with one intent, to get around.

Having started alongside fellow harrier, Hugh Bingham, he was soon lost to sight as I struggled along at 8 minute pace and that was before the first of many climbs on what was described as a six mile course, but turned out to be nearer seven.

Oh, did I struggle on those climbs and even on the downhills when I would normally have been sprinting a glance at the watch showed that I was slow!

Anyway, I got around, although well down the field and after collecting my tee shirt and (a nice touch) jelly beans , a banana and a Mars bar. I made my way slowly back to the car. Attempting to change, I realised that I was unsteady on my feet and had to sit in the car, swallow a sports drink and gather my wits. Is it my heart, I wondered? Something serious , or just old age?  Sometime later at home, having pulled myself together, I decided it was simply that I had asked too much of myself.


Finishing position - 212 of 442 runners
Time for  approx 6.8 miles  - 59.38.
V60 category 8 / 28.

Image result for gibside fruitbowl
Just one of the hills

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