Tuesday 10 March 2015

A Recovery Day

Yes, I needed a day's recovery after a, for me, very hard cycle ride on Sunday. It was that tough twenty miles against the wind back to Wentworth, Hexham , that I blame.
Anyway, my day off physical effort involved a first outing to the river this year after salmon.  Very few salmon had come through Bywell I was told, but it was a pleasant spring like day and there I was below Hexham Bridge, no more than six casts of the fly, when bang, a take and away the fish ran. It will be a kelt, said I ( a fish returning to the sea, rather than running up river, to the non angler), but it fought well and after a bit of a struggle it was on the bank (pictured). Kelt or not it had to go back at this time of year, so a quick photo and it swam away, as to whether it was downstream to the sea, or continue upstream I am not sure, but now think, downstream.

Well, that was yesterday, today, Tuesday I felt better with my back and injuries than I have for some time, has the tough bike ride cured me? Trainers on and onto the Keelsmans Way. Oh, it feels good, no pain. A mile later, is that my hamstring niggle I feel? Another half mile, its that b..... sciatica.
Later the Chiropractor, Russell, said that this is how recovery works, first just the thought that the problem may be ending, then lessening of pain, before.......RECOVERY.
Nineteen days to go to the start of my challenge, at least I can run.

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