Friday 6 March 2015

Will I be fit for the challenge?

Three Weeks To Go

With just three weeks to go to my birthday and start of my sixty five race challenge I am struggling with two injuries, High Hamstring Tendonopathy and Sciatica.
The hamstring problem has been a problem for over two years and is a constant niggle on the 'sit bone' I can just about live with this. The sciatica is a real nuisance which I have had since December, caused of all things by moving furniture to put the Christmas tree up. I am having intensive treatment by a Chiropractor and keeping my fingers crossed.
Last Saturday, North East Harrier League cross country fixture was at Alnwick - that's the castle in the background behind my lad , Chris and I. Chris had said he would run with me, but I said he would be faster and should start ahead. In the event,I shot off as I always do at the start of a race and when I looked for him he was no where to be seen. After three miles he appeared alongside me and gradually moved ahead, finishing in 48 minutes to my 50. Sciatica was awful by the end of the race, extending from behind my calf to the top of the leg. Normally I just feel it at the side of the calf.
On Tuesday I swam twenty lengths, breaststroke, followed by manipulation at the chiros, before going to Harriers. Maybe this combination was not ideal, for in the warm up to a 6 x 1,000m track session everything hurt. Did about half the session before deciding I was simply putting back my recovery and quit. Quick shower and into the car, Radio Newcastle o., Sunderland were down 1 - 0 at Hull, damn!
In five minutes I am heading to the chiro, hopefully he can do the business. To help in this I have decided to ease off exercise and give his efforts a chance to make a difference.

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