Sunday 29 March 2015

First Race of My 65 Race Challenge

Hartlepool Marina 5 Mile - 29 March 2015

It was an early start to the day to get some breakfast inside me and then to head off to Hartlepool for the first race of my challenge. But before that, the cards and presents for my 65th birthday.
A half case of Faustino V11 means that I can look forward to a meal later, accompanied by a nice glass or two of my favourite Rioja - well deserved after a hard run race.
Hartlepool Marina was a really nice location for a race. A lot of money has been put into the marina and as you approach it you see a beautifully preserved sailing ship, HMS Trincomalee, the oldest British Warship afloat today.
Race numbers were collected from another historic vessel, PSS Wingfield Castle, a paddle steamer which was the old Humber ferry. Then off to the start to join a sell out field of 600 runners.
As usual  picked my spot just a little way down the field and set off at a decent pace into a strong headwind. After settling into a pace just under 7 minute miling, I spotted a big young lad who was running at about the same speed. Yes, with age comes knowledge - when running into the wind, find a big lad to hide behind!
We passed the first mile marker at 6.50 and whilst I thought about leaving my wind break by overtaking him, I thought 'no, lets see how the second mile goes.' This next mile was over 7 minute pace (nearer 7.30 actually), but I stuck to it. With the turn at 2.5 miles coming up I did overtake him, but back he came at me to get a little ahead. Anyway, I found a bit of pace and followed him through 3 miles and we pushed on to the 4 mile marker. Right, said I, whats in the tank? Up went the pace, past the lad ( I know I should have encouraged him to push on with me) and I finished in 36.37, 173rd out of over 500 finishers, not bad for an old fella.
From the results I found that I was third in my category (65-70 years), but there were only two prizes! However, as I pick up some form and get rid, hopefully, of some of the injury niggles I am carrying I may be able to get into the prizes.
Have a look at these of images from Hartlepool Marina.

                             I have been photo bombed!

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