Monday 21 December 2015

Race no. 43 Gibside 5K Santa Dash

Whoops, I did it again.

When I get it wrong, I really get it wrong.

I really should have rested on my laurels this weekend, if you can call running a 10k in 49 minutes worthy of winning any laurels, then I really, really should have rested. Instead I decided to go to Gibside for a Great Run Local 5K. First mistake.

Second mistake, I should have checked that the run was on.

Third mistake, having got there to find that a Santa dash was taking place, I should have gone home. Instead, a marshall pointed to the back of a crowd of santas half a mile away and said go on, catch them up., and I did!

Everything hurt as I set off without warming up. Oh, thought I, this will be no problem as I run through the whole field. Fourth mistake.

 The front of the field was minutes ahead and I had to push on to catch them. Passing the 2k mark, I met the leaders on their way to the finish, they having already ran the uphill stretch to the turn for home. I still had to do so and found it hard.

Round the turn and away downhill, when, b....... and d..., my calf went on me! Now it was a slow and miserable jog back to the finish -see image below. One step forward in my 65 race challenge and two, three and more steps backward.

Merry Christmas all, I can't even think when I can next race, but I can overdo the food and drink bit.

Race 42 Saltwell Harriers 10K

Vests in December!

Yes, I too ran in just shorts and vest on the 19th December for it was a warm day at Saltwell Park, Gateshead for the Saltwell Harriers 10K.

Is it another sign of age when I feel , yet again, the urge to share memories of places revisited? Whatever, for here are a couple:

First, lets go back nearly sixty years to when I really was young and as most other kiddies did,used to attend my church Sunday School. Every year we had a Sunday School Treat ( no, I will not bother to define) and for the year in question a fleet of double deckers was hired to transport us from Bishopwearmouth Church, Sunderland to ( did you guess?) Saltwell Park. Enough on that memory.

Second, I last ran in Saltwell Park some years ago in the days of the Gateshead Lunch Time Handicap Races. The race which actually came to mind as I struggled round this course described as 'undulating' wasn't even at Saltwell Park, but on the original course from Gateshead Stadium which used to drop down to the River Tyne before returning to finish on the running track in the stadium.

On the day I have in mind I was running off a 7.5 minute handicap for the 5K race and started well done the field. Well I was pretty fit then ( in my forties) and enjoying an injury free hiatus to my running career and did I go for it! Tearing off from the start, I was quickly moving through the field and by the time the course had dropped down to the riverside I could see a long line of runners ahead. Now, a magical memory, for I felt that I was flying as I hauled them in, passing each runner as if they were standing still. As I hit the climb to take the field up to the stadium the field had thinned out. At the top of the climb I asked a marshal, "how many ahead?" " Two", he replied. One I caught on the approach to the stadium, the second and last, on the track, to win the event.

And, the point of that tale? Well, simply that running should be enjoyable, infact if you are running well, free of injury and on form you should be able to feel that 'you are flying'. On that memorable day I was, on Saturday I 'got around' and was happy that I was able to. It was hard, I had a painful calf, out of form, etc, etc, but I got around and was more than happy to do so.

At the end there was the relief of  finishing without causing further damage to my calf, immediately followed by the question, could I double up tomorrow morning at Gibside. You will have to read my next blog to answer that question.

Finished 190th out of 415 in 49.36 ( my slowest ever 10K)
5th V65.

Thursday 17 December 2015

Race 41 Newcastle Park Run - Part 2

Keep it slow, don't make your injury worse!   
Yes, I looked pensive last Saturday, actually I was miserable, having realised after just one kilometre that I hadn't thrown off my calf problem.

Early in my 65 race challenge I was running so well that I was able to get lots of extra races in the bag - four races in an eight day period at one time - now the first doubts as to achieving the challenge have crept into my mind. A combination of a bad achilles injury and now my calf problem means that I have lost at least ten weeks from the fifty two available. No wonder I was down on Saturday.

Anyway, I have just had a jog in Horsley Woods and whilst I can still feel a little discomfort from an old calf injury I have, hopefully, thrown off the latest calf problem, so, Saltwell 10K may just be possible at the weekend.

I must, must, warm up gently and forget about finishing time and position- repeat Peter, I must not think about time and finishing position  - Here's hoping!!

Statistics for Race 41 Newcastle Park Run 7 Dec 2015(5K)

Finishing time 25.32
Position 192 (363 ran)
4th V65

Saturday 12 December 2015

Race No. 41 And Still Injured

Newcastle Park Run

Its nearly two weeks since I pulled my calf at South Shields and after lots of treatment it felt ok this morning to try out on Newcastle Town Moor for the Park Run.

Still ok after a warm up, so moving further down the field than I would normally start, away I went. Reasonable pace and everything looking good. First K marker reached and I had already decided to make it a double header this weekend by doing the Great Run Local at Gibside tomorrow morning. When, as if I had pressed a switch, my calf suddenly started to hurt! Dropping my pace from 7.30 minute miling, I jogged on, letting the field go by.

At this pace I wasn't even panting as all these heavy breathers passed me by. Meanwhile my calf really started to ache, but having undone my treatment already, I was a least going to finish this 5K and start recovery all over again.

I may have mentioned in an earlier blog my annoyance when someone sprints past me right on the line. No complaints today, as I was joggng to the line when at least a dozen Park Runners found their sprint pace to pass in the last five yards. Good luck to them!

Now it's ice pack time, again, as I try to recover for next week's Saltwell Park 10 K . It's not looking promising.

Another wet morning on the Moor

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Race No. 40 And The End of Me As A Sprinter

Monthly Mile South Shields

 It was back to South Shields for race no. 40, the December Monthly Mile.

This was a filler as I was away at the weekend and couldn't get a longer race onto the schedule. More's the pity as I have come a cropper, again, with injury.

My intention for this evening race seemed reasonable, to win it! Well, at least to win the 'slow' event, rather than the 'faster' in which I would normally run.

I should have known it wasn't to be my night when I turned up to find everyone in Santa costume, everyone that is but me (and one or two others). Having hidden at the back for the  group photo -thats me at the back towards the left - I had a good warm up to be ready for a fast off. Then away I went, at speed. I soon left the youngsters behind and was clear of the field when I realised that I had pulled my calf. Yes, I should have stopped, but pushed on, albeit at a slower pace. Heading for the line two youngsters passed me, dropping me to third place, so I was now injured for nothing, damn!

Limping away from the finish my only thought was, could I recover from this latest injury for Sunday and the Hexhamshire Hobble? Today, the calf is still sore, but here's hoping.

Finished 3rd in 'slow' event in 6.44.
12th fastest overall from 90 runners.

Spot the one not in costume - me!

Monday 23 November 2015

Mud Glorious Mud at Durham Cross Country

Race no. 39 N. E. Harrier League Aykley Heads

Runners getting into their stride
I used to enjoy cross country running, but if you had heard my language as I plodged round the course for the third time on Saturday you would have thought it impossible. Yet, I did, I really and truly used to enjoy cross country.

On Saturday my lad, Chris and I travelled down to Durham for a North East Harrier League outing with no fewer than 600 other foolish men, plus the same again in youngsters and senior ladies, are we all mad?

Oh, those far off days when I could hold my own against most other runners. Some years ago at our (Tynedale Harriers & A.C. ) own event at Prudhoe, I was actually in the first half dozen on the final hill - ok, I was then caught by the 'fast packers' and had to settle for 14th, but you get the idea. On Saturday Chris and I started together, before  I chased after my rival Harry Matthews, Elswick. After a mile, Chris overtook me and that was the last I saw of him . I then foolishly thought that I could get around on Harry's coat tails, but it wasn't to be as the clinging mud reduced my uphill stuggles to what felt like a crawl and the field started to pass and kept on passing.

By the third lap of this 6.1 mile race I had settled for just getting round and did I tell you about my awful language just to get round that final lap? It was terrible.

At the end I was 459th out of 592 and I never thought that I would have to say that statistic in my lifetime. Now for some mitigation. Shall I mention my achilles? No. Well I will say that Chris obviously struggled as I had, for he said at the end that he expected me to catch him! No way. He was 384th in 51.59. Marcus Byron and Neil Cassidy were just ahead of Chris, as was Harry Matthews, 51.11.

Harry was first V65, I was second, out of 13 vets who probably should know better.

After that tester my next big race is the Hexhamshire Hobble on Sunday Dec. 6th. Did I tell you I used to be a pretty good fell runner?

Sunday 15 November 2015

Back to the Moor again

Race 38 Park Run Newcastle
'All the leaves are brown and the skies are grey'
A very, very wet Town Moor
Oh, to have been on the road from Brampton to Carlisle today, for a classic 10 miler, but having listened to my body (or more precisely, my achilles), I settled for the Newcastle Town Moor for race no. 38 in my 65 race challenge and yesterday's Park Run.

At least it wasn't as wet as last week, when I turned out in full body cover - see above - but it was cold enough for  a t-shirt as I joined Chris for another father and son outing.

I say joined Chris, but having met up just before the start, I could not find him as the field lined up and somehow landed amongst the buggy pushers as we jostled to get through the bottle neck gate at 100 metres. Oh, I hate to be baulked at the beginning of a raceeven though it is no bad thing  really as it stops me from hurtling off, comparatively speaking.

With a niggly achilles, I settled into a 'get me around pace' and got around in 23.38. Ok, really but my early season pb of 21.44 looks out of reach at this moment.

Today the achilles is still 'niggly' , so the decision not to race 10 miles on tarmac was probably wise. I think that I will go back to my 'eccentric heel drops' as part of the recovery process this week, then the softer surface of a cross country at Aykley Heads, Durham (North East Harrier League) should be a 'goer', next Saturday.

Finished in 23.38 for 123rd position out of 470.
First V65

Chris finished in 21.03 for 60th place.

Monday 9 November 2015

Race no. 37 Heaton Harriers Memorial 10K

Back to the Town Moor
Fully clothed for a wet Saturday on the Moor

A winning ticket - well , a third place anyway
At least its not raining
 It was back to Newcastle's Town Moor yesterday for the Heaton Harrier's Memorial 10K and another chance for father and son, Chris,  to race together.

Whilst it was windy, at least it had stopped raining and conditions weren't as awful as they were yesterday when I did the 5K Park Run here. Unfortunately, maybe running yesterday was not such a good idea for not only was I off the pace, but my damn achilles was sore!

Yes, within the first mile Chris was lost to sight as he pushed on to record a good time in his own club's event. I was also passed by Peter Atkinson, North Shields Poly, but there was to be no repeat of the Derwentwater 10 mile, as this time I had to let him go.

Why was it that I found gaps in the field every time I was exposed to the head on wind? There is nothing like hiding behind a big lad when you run into a strong breeze, but it didn't happen  and I was fully exposed. At least I was ahead of yesterday's pace, averaging 7.30 minute miling compared to just under 8 mins. , but I was having to work and also trying to ignore a painful achilles.

Isn't technology improving all the time? Just as they used to do in Russia ( in Cold War days) , I saw a queue at the finish and joined it, was it for a goody bag, t - shirt, drink, or Russian bread? No, it was an instant print out of your performance, wow! This showed that I had finished in 46.54 for 302nd position (549 ran), and was 3rd V65 male.

Chris had continued his improving form to finish 140th in 41.32 and Peter Atkinson was 251st in 45.18. Well done both of you.

Well, that was race no. 37 completed, only 28 to do by 29 March 2016. I would have liked to do the Brampton to Carlisle next weekend, but my achilles is just not up to that challenge, instead I face a race against time to be able to run at all, here's hoping!

Thanks to Laura for turning out to support Chris and I , also for the photos , above.

Saturday 7 November 2015

Park Run Newcastle

Race no. 36 and the third this week!
Town Moor on a better day than today!
Oh, was it wet today on the Newcastle Town Moor. So wet that I wore my fell running top, taped seams and all. For I did not expect to raise a sweat, firstly because it was peeing down and secondly, I was running my third race of the week and looking just to do a warm up for my return to the Moor, tomorrow, when I am running the Town Moor Memorial 10K.

Had quite a tough week's running this week, the Derwentwater 10 mile last Sunday, followed by the Monthly Mile, Tuesday, a seven miler with Louise Griffin (who had done the Town Moor Marathon on Sunday - can't get away from the Moor this week!) on Thursday and now here I was again for the 5 K Park Run.

I hope that I had kept my pace down as I need the energy for tomorrow, but 24.16 is a reasonable time, so we will just have to see what tomorrow brings.

Finishing time 24.16
118th position out of 369 runners.
1st V65.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Monthly Mile South Shields

Race 35 November 3rd 2015
Outsprinted to the finish!
I am sure that runner number 359, above, is a smashing chap, but as he sprinted past me to the finish line last night at South Shields I did not feel so charitable.

Yes, my sprinting days are in the past now, if I ever had them, so I was not able to pick up my pace to challenge him to the line at the end of race no. 35 in this 65 race challenge.

Of course, I have lots of excuses for a (relatively) slow mile race, but I will settle for one only and that is the tough Derwentwater 10 Miler on Sunday - let's ignore injury, age, etc. For last night was a filler rather than a thriller and was simply another race recorded to get me back on track after a two month absence due to my achilles injury.

Ater finishing in 6.39 at least I was three seconds faster than last month's run and can look forward to getting my times down in the months ahead.

Back to a proper distance next Sunday when I will be running the Town Moor Memorial 10K. Here's hoping for a decent time - 45 mins or less, please.

Monday 2 November 2015

10 Mile Thriller At Keswick

Race no. 34 - Derwentwater 10 Mile

Grange in Borrowdale - Half way round

Going for it, as Peter Atkinson starts to get away from me.

Pushing on to the finish    
After putting in some 5K 'fillers' in an attempt to get me back on schedule after my achilles injury, I had to make a hard decision yesterday, could I get round a tough 10 mile course at Keswick?

10 miles is further than I have run this year and that includes pre injury, when I was fit. But, Keswick is one of my favourite places and I have ran the Derwentwater 10 mile race for over 20 years. So it was an easy decision to make, just try and get around.

And so on a beautiful summer's day (November 1st!) with the temperature heading for 20c, I lined up with a field of 500 runners in the centre of Keswick to run through wonderful Lakeland scenery around Derwentwater Lake.

Instead of blasting off as I normally do, I set off at a steady pace, just over 7 minute miling. At this pace I could enjoy views of the lake as we headed for Grange in Borrowdale. 'This is lovely' I thought, 'Let's just enjoy the whole experience and worry about the climb up to Cat Bells ( 5/6 miles) when we get there'. Then a familiar figure passed me. 'Peter', said I, spotting a former colleague at Northern Rock and fellow member of the Northern Rock Running Club(now defunct), 'Keep it going, you have given me something to chase'.

'I thought that was you' he replied, ' I bet it will be the other way round'.
'What do you mean?' said I ,'Remind me , how old are you?'
'56', Peter replied, 'A slip of a lad compared to you'.

 With that he started to gain on me. After a split seconds thought I decide to go with him( see image above) as the pace was comfortable and it would help to get me around.

Having picked up the pace, I quickly caught him and we ran together for a while before he started to slow, just a fraction. 'You will catch me on the climb' I said as we parted company.That is what I thought would happen, as I am not the climber that I used to be.

Oh , it was tough climbing the road up to Cat Bells, but what a view over the Lake as the 888 feet of ascent was endured. Now my pace was suffering, but at the 5 mile marker  I realised that my gloomy prediction of a 1 hour 30 min. race should be improved upon, with a little effort.

Now the highest point of the race was insight at the 6 / 7 mile mark and I felt strong, but my achilles was sore.  'Just keep going' I thought , as I passed on the downhills the people who had passed me on the ups. Now the mile markers were passing more quickly as I got the pace down from the 9 minute plus mark. At 9 miles I wondered if I could get below 1.20. There was only one way to find out, 'push it! That is what I did, as I went for it into Portinscale and through the line in 1.19.29 .

'Ow, my achilles is sore', was my first thought as I crossed the line. 'Where is Peter?' was my second as I queued for some urgently needed water. There he was, coming in a minute or two after me. Thanks Peter, you did me a big favour appearing when you did, there is nothing like competition to make me work.

Today, my achilles is still a bit sore, hopefully it will sort it self out for race number 35. That may be tomorrow, South Shields Monthly Mile, but only if it is ok. Otherwise, the weekend will do for my next race.


Finishing position 211 in 1.19.29from a field of 436.
5th V65 in a big field of old toughies.

Sunday 25 October 2015

Half Way Progress Report

Date Number Event                     Time Overall Finishing
29-Mar 1 Hartlepool Marina 5 mile 36.27 173 3 516 ran
07-Apr 2 Monthly Mile S Shields 6.27 20 na 20th out of 79
12-Apr 3 Blyth Valley 10k 45.34 296 3 563 ran
18-Apr 4 Park Run Ncle 5K 21.44 147 3 646 ran
19-Apr 5 Gibside Great Run Local 5K 24.28 8 n/a 51 ran. 
22-Apr 6 Keswick Round the Houses 46.11 88 3rd V60 186 runners 
25-Apr 7 Park Run Ncle 5K 22.44 149 2nd 601 runners
04-May 8 Ashington Triathlon 1.28.48 190 4th 1st V60 in 5k run
05-May 9 Les Allcorn 10K, Alnwick 45.53 57 2nd V60 125 runners
10-May 10 Great Run Local 5K 25.05 6 n/a 45 runners
13-May11 Latrigg Short Fell Race 28.5 67 3rd V60 87 ran
24-May 12 Gibside Great Run Local 24.3 10 n/a 50 runners
27-May 13 George Ogle Mem. 6m 43.13 66 1st V60 195 runners
06-Jun 14 Grasmere gallop Trail Race 50.12 25 1st V60 305 runners
09-Jun 15 Blaydon Race 40.13 621 3rd V65 3825 ran
13-Jun 16 Park Run , Ncle 22.2 100 1st V65 511 ran
17-Jun 17 Humbleton Hill Fell Race 47.18 31 2nd V60 59 ran
21-Jun 18 Lambton 10K 47.36 117 2nd V60 715 ran
01-Jul 19 Tynedale 10K 45.1 182 n/a 546 ran
05-Jul 20 Red Kite Trail Race 1.13.57 18 n/a 86 ran
15-Jul 21 Kirkley 10K 45.59 58 1st V65 165 ran
25-Jul 22 Park Run Ncle 5K 22.42 101 1st V65 439 ran
29-Jul 23 Wallington 10K 45.59 52 1st V65 158 ran
05-Sep 24 Gloucester Park Run 23.5 28 1st V65 180 ran
19-Sep 25 Ncle Park Run 25.07 218 1st 65 540 ran
27-Sep 26 Prudhoe Miners 10K 49.06 66 1st 65 140 ran
03-Oct 27 Park Run Gibside 24.36 14 1st 65 60 ran
04-Oct 28 Gt Run Local Gibside 25.54 7 1st 65 54 ran
06-Oct 29 Monthly Mile South Shields 6.44 18 na 18/22
10-Oct 30 Sherman Cup 45.31 391 1st V65 464 ran
17-Oct 31 Gibside Trail Race 59.38 212 8th V60 442 ran
24-Oct 32 Park Run Newcastle 22.57 164 1st v60 562 ran
25-Oct 33 Great Run Local 5K 25.56 8 1st V55/65 57 ran

33 Races down, 32 To Go.

Gibside Great Run Local
Today was race number 33 which takes me past the halfway mark , hurrah! Yes, if and it is a big if, I can just keep clear of injury for the next five months, then I should complete my 65 race challenge

It was back to Gibside, again, to do my second 5K of the weekend. At yesterday's Newcastle Park Run I felt that I was getting some of my pace back and pushed on for a better time (22.57 on my watch). Today, I didn't feel as strong at the beginning, but was able to dig deep and record a reasonable 25.57 for this hilly course.

Remember that hills are character building !

I know that lots of the 500/600 runners at Newcastle are students, probably living local to the Town Moor, but where are all the missing runners at Gibside, for neither the Park Run on a Saturday, nor Great Run, Sunday get anything like those numbers, yet it is a beautiful setting in National Trust Grounds and it is free.

Not only is it free, but by the time you get back to your vehicle, the results are on your mobile, via text. Come on North East Runners, get yourselves to Gibside.

8th overall from a field of 57.
1st V55/65 with an age graded score of 63.3% ( The winner had 63.2% so I must be doing something right)

I am the that  guy in red with no co-ordnation

Saturday 24 October 2015

Half Way Point - Almost

Race No. 32 Newcaste Park Run
The Grahams

Newcastle Park Run
Well, completing race no. 32 means that I am almost half way through my 32 race challenge to honour the memory of my late Tynedale Harrier pal, Islam Ali (Izzi), who died at a tragically young age in June 2003. Just writing this makes me emotional and I am rather emotional right now, having come through a bit of a traumatic week.

I was only able to run this morning because my daughter, Sophie, has dashed home from  London to be near to mum, Muriel, after she suffered a terrible injury in our own kitchen.

It sounds so silly to say that Muriel fell after standing on the dog's bone, but the result was horrific. Hearing her screams I rushed in from the garden to find her drifting in and out of consciousness. A single glance at her wrist told me how serious the injury was and I had to get her to casualty.

I am fairly good in an emergency, but crack up afterwards and this was the case here. Having driven at a ridiculous speed to the Newcastle RVI, I was able to get her into the hands of their emergency team without any delay. The relief of seeing them administer morphine to try and aleviate the pain reduced me to tears.

Three days after the accident and two days after an operation to pin and put a plate in her wrist Muriel is home and enjoying the comfort of the support of Sophie, Chris and Laura. She is still in pain but at least can start the recovery process.

My heart felt thanks goes to all the staff at Newcastle RVI for their professional care. To Chris for jumping ship at Shoreham ( he was training an officer in Fishery Protection when he heard about Mum), to Laura for her support and to Sophie for being there.

As to race no. 32, I finished the 5K in a reasonable time, 22.57, other details just don't matter.

Monday 19 October 2015

Deja Vu at Gibside Again!

One definition of 'deja vu' is an unpleasantly familiar feeling, well that was certainly the case at yesterday's Gibside Fruit Bowl Trail Race for race number 31 of my challenge.

'Familiar', for I had run two 5k races here on consecutive days, just a fortnight before and 'unpleasant', for I probably shouldn't have been running at all, having woken that morning with a stomach bug.

Without going into detail of the 'bug' it was not very pleasant and took a lot out of me before I had even started this testing course. So it was, that instead of my usual fast away from the gun, I set off steady with one intent, to get around.

Having started alongside fellow harrier, Hugh Bingham, he was soon lost to sight as I struggled along at 8 minute pace and that was before the first of many climbs on what was described as a six mile course, but turned out to be nearer seven.

Oh, did I struggle on those climbs and even on the downhills when I would normally have been sprinting a glance at the watch showed that I was slow!

Anyway, I got around, although well down the field and after collecting my tee shirt and (a nice touch) jelly beans , a banana and a Mars bar. I made my way slowly back to the car. Attempting to change, I realised that I was unsteady on my feet and had to sit in the car, swallow a sports drink and gather my wits. Is it my heart, I wondered? Something serious , or just old age?  Sometime later at home, having pulled myself together, I decided it was simply that I had asked too much of myself.


Finishing position - 212 of 442 runners
Time for  approx 6.8 miles  - 59.38.
V60 category 8 / 28.

Image result for gibside fruitbowl
Just one of the hills

Saturday 10 October 2015

Cross Country For Race No. 30

North East Harrier League Sherman Cup, South Shields
A Family affair as Chris and I race at Temple Park, South Shields                              
Am I shrinking in height? I thought that Chris was only about 1" taller than me, but in this photo, taken today, he looks about 3" taller! Compare our eye line and it must be that 2" quiff, Chris's that is not mine!

Anyway, on with the running bit and more progress in my 65 race challenge. After two months out with that b...... achilles injury I have managed four races since last Saturday and today it was a proper cross country at Temple Park, South Shields. The course was fairly dry, unlike some previous years when there was very sticky, deep mud to drain strength in the legs. On a sunny afternoon Chris and I set off together at what seemed like a steady pace, recording just on 7 minutes for the first mile. Suddenly, I lost sight of him and wondered if he was ahead or behind. A glance at my pace told me I was down to 7.30 pace (or is that up to?), and realised that he had dropped me.

Towards the end of the first of three laps I could see him ahead of me by about thirty places, but that was the nearest I came to him. The second lap was a steady plod, interchanging places with people about my own pace. I thought that I was picking up the pace for the third lap, but statistics did not confirm this. Obviously,  I am not very fit after my eight week layoff and basically I am slowing as a race progresses. I cannot decide if this is depressing, or should I be grateful that I am at least running again - I will settle for the latter.

At the finish I had recorded 45.31 for the 9.1K course in 391st (ouch!) position out of 464 runners. There were lots of V60 runners ahead of me, but I was (I think) 1st V65, there were seven others before you think otherwise. Chris recorded 42.31 for 320th place, well done Chris.

Looking at statistics, Tynedale were third team in the Davison Shield Competition and 10th in the Sherman Cup, so all in all a good day for Tynedale runners of all ages - the categories start at Under 13 years!

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Monthly Mile South Shields

Race No. 29

South Shields Beach

The nights are drawing in and 'Winters Coming' as all GAME OF THRONES fans know only too well. And so it was that I travelled to South Shields last night to run a mile!

Well I needed to get another race under my belt, number 29, also, I need to recover my race pace and get back down to 7 minute miling. So, South Shields it was to be as I lined up with the fast boys and girls, or more precisely the under 8 minute milers.

Having watched the so called ' slower' runners do their best, I followed as best I could the faster runners in my group. Away they went, leaving me to plod along at around  6.40 pace. It didn't feel too bad and with a push at the line I recorded 6.44. That's OK , I thought, but that final push had tweaked my right calf, typical.

The results showed that I was 18th out of the 22 faster runners. They also showed that fifteen in the so called slower group were under 8 minutes and the first five were under 7 minutes, the winner recording 6.33. Next month I think I will join that group and give them a race!

Now I need lots of massage on my calf before Saturday's Sherman Cup cross country back here in, yes, South Shields.

Monday 5 October 2015


Race Number 27 and 28.

Happy to finish at Gibside, again.

One of the definitions of 'Deja Vu' is the feeling of something unpleasantly familiar, well that was certainly the case yesterday, when I ran the Great Run Local at Gibside, for I had done the very same thing the previous day, only that was the Park Run Gibside.

After 8 weeks absence from my 65 race challenge with an achilles injury, last week's Prudhoe Miners' 10K had given me the confidence that I could at least race, albeit slowy and with a bit of discomfort. So on Saturday I ran the 5K Park Run at Gibside, a course I was assured was not as steep as the route of the Gibside Great Run Local. I then had another early morning start on Sunday to decide for myself.

Well, Saturday's run did feel slightly less hilly than my memory of the GRL and I finished in 24.36 for 14th position out of a field of 60. Come Sunday and I set off near the front of the field. As we started the long(ish) climb to the turn for home I felt stronger than I had since my injury and pushed on passing a couple of runners. Then it was all downhill to the finish and I was able to put a gap between myself and the pair of runners who had been closing on me.

Through the line and a reassuring beep from the marshall's thingy as she passed it over my wristband - see image above - 25.54 said my watch, "OK" thought I, " a decent time for a hilly course".

Comparing the results of the two runs this morning I was in for a surprise, the difference in elevation was no more than 35', 342' compared to 305'. There was also a difference in the length of the two courses, the GRL being 130 metres longer - that must be a very steep 130 metres to account for over a minute on the time!

After these two races I would declare myself to be relatively happy with my return to racing. I am not completely recovered from the injury, but I am racing again. I am eleven races behind schedule, but there is a choice of races next weekend, a cross country at Temple Park, South Shields on Saturday and the Matfen 10 K on Sunday. I could do both, only joking, or am I?

Monday 28 September 2015

Prudhoe Miners 10K

Race no. 26 and I got round

Eight weeks into an achilles injury and it was time to see if I could get get round a 10K race.

Maybe it would have been better to look for a flatter race, but I had pre entered my local Prudhoe Miners' 10K and it was time to give it a go.

It was uphill from the start, but as I had got around a flat 5K Park Run the previous weekend without too much pain, I thought that I would raise my pace, a little. A mile, or so into the race it was time to face the steep, steep climb through Bewick Grange. Oh, it was tough , but at least I ran the hill. Then, finally I could put the pedal down and raise the pace to the heady heights of 7 minute miling - was it only a couple of months ago when this was my average pace?

Back through Prudhoe Town centre, past Waterworld and a pleasant "no thank you " to the offer of water at the water station, ( "I  am a racing machine, not a jogger" , I tried to kid myself.). Down to the Countryside Park and could I lift the pace? Yes, but not by much. At the 8K mark a pain in my right ankle/ achilles started to over shadow the pain from my recovering left achilles - it never rains, but it pours! Through the line in 49.06, a new Personal Worst for a 10K to match last week's PW for a 5K. Never mind, I got round and hopefully, after icing both ankles I will be able to continue the Challenge - only another 39 races in the next six months!

Finished in 49.06 for 66th position out of 140 finishers.
1st V65.
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I was happier last time out on this course -Tynedale 10K July 2015